1. pass for every photographer;

2. a bottle of wine offered by Cantina Valdadige for every regularly registered photographer;

3. other 'benefits' to be defined.


The pictures that will run in the national photography contest “COLORE SULLA PELLE 2018
will have to be taken in one of the 10 following festivals that take in part in “Bodypainting’s Friends”:


4th february - Harry Potter Bodypainting Contest - Novegro, Milano, Lombardia
10th february - Sanremo Bodypainting Contest - Sanremo, Imola, Liguria

21th e 22th april - Brixia Benessere Bodypainting - Brescia, Lombardia

12th may - Montecatini Body Art - Montecatini, Lucca, Toscana

31th may, 1st, 2th e 3th june - Kermesse di Bodypainting - Catania

15th, 16th e 17th june - Italian Bodypainting Festival - Garda, Lago di Garda

23th june - Bodypainting nelle Dolomiti - Auronzo di Cadore, Belluno, Veneto

30th june - Circeo Body Art Contest - San Felice Circeo, Latina, Lazio

1st july - The Body - Andora, Savona, Liguria

28th july - Civitas Infernalis - Sarteano, Siena, Toscana

5th august - Il Corpo come Tela - Niscemi, Caltanissetta, Sicilia

8th september - Bodypainting in vetrina - Lido di Camaiore, Lucca, Toscana

16th september - Celtic Bodypainting Contest - Busto Arsizio, Varese, Lombardia

29th and 30th september - Torino Bodypainting - Torino, Piemonte

4th november - Pordenone Bodypainting Contest - Pordenone, Friuli Venezia Giulia


(Note: the dates could be change under the willing of the direction. For the definitive dates the photographers should look in the one said in the social)


These awards:

1st place
for the best picture at the end of the work


prize +

300€ in a coupon for photography material

1st place

for the best back stage picture


prize +

300€ in a coupon for photography material

1st place

for the best setting picture


prize +

300€ in a coupon for photography material

1 board for the best shoot of Harry Potter Bodypainting Contest
1 board for the best shoot of Sanremo Bodypainting Contest

1 board for the best shoot of Brixia Benessere Bodypainting

1 board for the best shoot of Montecatini Body Art

1 board for the best shoot of Kermesse di Bodypainting

1 board for the best shoot of Bodypainting nelle Dolomiti

1 board for the best shoot of Italian Bodypainting Festival

1 board for the best shoot of Circeo Body Art Contest

1 board for the best shoot of The Body

1 board for the best shoot of "Civitas Infernalis"

1 board for the best shoot of Il Corpo come Tela

1 board for the best shoot of Bodypainting in Vetrina